Lowery, and Other Estate Closing 8/21

This auction is our weekly Online Only Auction. This auction has multiple estates in multiple buildings. This auction will have furniture, tools, lawn and garden, collectable, and other household items. All bidders will be required to pick up their items Wednesday and Thursday. Pick up times are Wednesday After Auction Until 4:30, and Thursday 8am-6pm ONLY. Any leftover items will be subject to a $10 per lot per day charge. Any items left for more than 24 hours past the pickup time will be forfeited and you will not receive a refund. We are not responsible for damage to any items, or lost items left past the scheduled pickup time.


6851 S Madison Avenue

Indianapolis , IN 46227

[email protected] +1(317) 784-0000

6851 Madison Ave Indianapolis, Indiana 46227

Ends on 08/21/2024