Thomas Skid Steer HL 173
Lot Number: 1612
Time Remaining: 5d 22h 51m
Current Bid: $1,300.00
Start Time: 10/25/2024 06:00 AM Eastern
End Time: 12/10/2024 01:00 PM Eastern
Bid Count: 9
Location: 1681 Hull Rd, Mason, MI 48854
rebuilt motor 150 hours ago
4432 hours showing
located at 9280 Pioneer Rd. Osseo
Please contact the sale managers below to consign at these lots:
Locations Include:
Mason (NEW LOCATION) - 1681 Hull Rd - Doug Sheridan- 517-749-7976 (This is an open lot without any structures or roof coverage)
Lennon - 2081 S. Sheridan Rd (M-13) - Jake Hart- 989-472-6112
St. Johns - 8044 M-21,- 6 miles WEST of St. Johns, at the corner of M-21 and N. Forest Hill Rd.- Alex Taylor- 517-243-8738
Osseo (Hillsdale) - 9280 Pioneer Rd (M-99) - Jim Dauer- 517-250-9656
Bellevue - 22000 14 Mile Rd - Mark Herr- 269-209-9257
Load Outs:
St. Johns (600 & 700 lots) - 8044 M-21 - Wednesday, Dec 11 (10am-1pm)
Lennon (200 & 300 lots) - 2081 S. Sheridan Rd, (M-13) -Thursday, Dec 12 (10am-1pm)
Mason (NEW LOCATION) (400 & 500 lots) - 1681 Hull Rd - Friday, Dec 13 (10am-1pm)
Other items in Bellevue (800 lots) and Osseo (1600 lots)- Pay at the Mason office or one of the load outs & make arrangements for pickup.