K&B Kremer Farms Farm Equipment Online Only Auction

Highlights: '20 JD 5100ML MFWD tractor w/loader, '14 JD 6115M tractor w/loader, '93 JD 7600 tractor, (2) JD 4455 tractors, JD 5210 tractor w/loader, JD 9570 STS combine, '99 Sterling truck w/Kann 18' alum bed, '98 Int 9100 truck w/Kann 20' bed, '23 JD 460M round baler, hay equipment, '18 JD 1590 15' grain drill, '10 ArtsWay 6140 feed grinder/mixer, gravity wagons, NH 790H silage chopper, wagons, Woods BW1800 15' rotary mower, tillage equipment. 

Inspection/Open House: Thurs April 3 12-2 PM
Pick-Up: Thurs April 10 (by appointment)

Location: 5368 N. 700 W. Delphi, IN 46923
Auction Manager: CJ Fleenor (812) 797-2073

Beckort Auctions, LLC

1743 Highway 135 SW

Corydon , IN 47112

info@beckortauctions.com +1812-738-9476

5368 N. 700 W. Delphi, Indiana 46923

Ends on 04/08/2025

1993 John Deere 7600 Tractor image

1993 John Deere 7600 Tractor

19d 11h 20m
1 bids
1992 John Deere 4455 Tractor image

1992 John Deere 4455 Tractor

19d 11h 21m
12 bids
1990 John Deere 4455 Tractor image

1990 John Deere 4455 Tractor

19d 11h 22m
4 bids
John Deere 9570 STS Combine image

John Deere 9570 STS Combine

19d 11h 24m
5 bids
1999 Sterling AT9522 Grain Truck image

1999 Sterling AT9522 Grain Truck

19d 11h 27m
8 bids
1998 International 9100 Grain Truck image

1998 International 9100 Grain Truck

19d 11h 28m
8 bids
2023 John Deere 460M Round Baler image

2023 John Deere 460M Round Baler

19d 11h 29m
14 bids
John Deere 630 MoCo Disc Mower Conditioner image

John Deere 630 MoCo Disc Mower Conditioner

19d 11h 30m
1 bids
2006 H&S High Capacity 12-Wheel V Hay Rake image

2006 H&S High Capacity 12-Wheel V Hay Rake

19d 11h 31m
2 bids
2018 John Deere 1590 Grain Drill image

2018 John Deere 1590 Grain Drill

19d 11h 32m
6 bids
2019 ArtsWay 6140 Grinder Mixer image

2019 ArtsWay 6140 Grinder Mixer

19d 11h 33m
17 bids
Freeman Forager Silage Wagon image

Freeman Forager Silage Wagon

19d 11h 43m
1 bids
Kory Running Gear with Flatbed image

Kory Running Gear with Flatbed

19d 11h 45m
1 bids
Kory Running Gear with Flatbed image

Kory Running Gear with Flatbed

19d 11h 46m
1 bids
Flatbed Hay Wagon on Running Gear image

Flatbed Hay Wagon on Running Gear

19d 11h 47m
0 bids
2006 Woods BW1800 Rotary Mower image

2006 Woods BW1800 Rotary Mower

19d 11h 48m
15 bids
IH 720 5x16 Semi-Mounted Plow image

IH 720 5x16 Semi-Mounted Plow

19d 11h 49m
1 bids
1978 Miller Offset Disc image

1978 Miller Offset Disc

19d 11h 50m
1 bids
John Deere 1000 3-Pt Field Cultivator image

John Deere 1000 3-Pt Field Cultivator

19d 11h 51m
0 bids
John Deere RM85 3-Pt Cultivator image

John Deere RM85 3-Pt Cultivator

19d 11h 52m
0 bids
John Deere 400 3-Pt Rotary Hoe image

John Deere 400 3-Pt Rotary Hoe

19d 11h 53m
1 bids
John Deere RM 3-Pt Cultivator image

John Deere RM 3-Pt Cultivator

19d 11h 54m
0 bids
Kelly Model 40 3-pt Backhoe image

Kelly Model 40 3-pt Backhoe

19d 11h 57m
3 bids
Gnuse 3-Pt Mast Forklift image

Gnuse 3-Pt Mast Forklift

19d 11h 58m
1 bids
Automatic 3-Pt Forklift image

Automatic 3-Pt Forklift

19d 11h 59m
0 bids
Shop-Built 3-Pt Stack Mover image

Shop-Built 3-Pt Stack Mover

19d 12h 0m
0 bids
Shop-Built 3-Pt Spot Sprayer image

Shop-Built 3-Pt Spot Sprayer

19d 12h 2m
0 bids